Tag Archive for: Baldness

10 Reasons Bald Men are Sexier than Men with Hair

I’m sure the recent news that scientists believe they have discovered a cure for baldness was met with jubilation by plenty of men.

  1. They are consistent
    A bald man can just wash and go, actually, even better, he can just go. Unlike your hairier variety of man, who can look deceptively different in the morning depending at what angle he’s slept.
    One thing is for certain with a baldie, they guy you went to bed with is the guy you’re going to wake up with.
  2. They are always on trend
    Unlike wigs, crafty comb-overs and hair implants.
    *Don’t even think about it*
  3. They accept s**t that’s thrown at them
    Like going bald at 24. Ouch.
  4. They save the world
    Jason Statham, Bruce Willis, Billy Zane…
    You get the picture.
  5. They don’t look like 12-year-old girls.
    Hair-bands, man buns, plaits, pig-tails?
    Yeah, stop doing that.
  6. They have great teeth
    OK, not all bald men have great teeth, but because they are hair-free you are more likely to notice their other assets. Deep blue eyes, long eyelashes, killer smile? Nothing says ‘wow, hasn’t he got a great set of ear lobes’ like a barren barnet.
  7. They don’t hog the bathroom
    Having dealt with the trauma of a receding hairline at university, chances are, little will phase a baldie after that when it comes to appearance.
    Preferable to a man who spray tans, waxes and hogs the bathroom for two hours every morning.
  8. … or clog your shower
    What’s grosser than a plug hole full of hair? Something you don’t have to worry about with a baldie – unless you’re dealing with pubes on the pillow, but that’s for another blog post.
  9. They will never look like Kenny G
    At least when you date a baldie you can rest easy knowing they are never going to surprise you with a set of highlights, a sweeping fringe or an ‘ironic’ mullet.
    At the very worst they might come home with a YOLO shaving across the back of their head, but then I would suggest you had more to worry about in your boyfriend than his choice of follicle topiary.
  10. They are great in bed #fact
    It is scientifically proven that bald men have higher levels of testosterone than those men with hair. Which, simply put, means they will shag you more.
    Case closed, I think you will find.

SMP not a cure for Alopecia but a solution.

What is Alopecia?

Alopecia as the doctors say is the general medical term for hair loss or to put it bluntly, baldness. They use this term to refer to many types of hair loss including “Alopecia Areata” which is what we want to emphasize in this article in an attempt to provide a clear understanding of what SMP can do for people who suffer from this condition.

So what exactly is Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia areata is a type of hair loss that is localized. The affected area is most often the scalp and usually happens without warning. It is characterized by sudden appearance of round patches on the scalp that can appear overnight. This condition is locally confined to common hair areas of the body particularly the scalp, but can be seen also in eyebrows, groin area, and sometimes underarms. Alopecia areata at least is not contagious.

The medical profession has not really determined yet the real cause of Alopecia Areata but they believe that white blood cells may be causing problems to the hair follicles that generates the hair. These affected hair follicles then shrinks causing a significant slow production of hair which results in rounded hair patches. The stem cells does not seem to be affected though so the potential for hair regrowth is still there. In fact only 10% of people who becomes ill with this condition may never regrow their back. The chance of permanent hair loss is quite strong if the person have a family history or is also suffering from autoimmune disease.

Is there a cure for Alopecia Areata?

We would like to be as positive as possible on this but as you have just read, the doctors have no clue as to what is causing this so a cure is not to be expected any time soon.

There are however many forms of treatments available for alopecia areata and most of them are in the form of drugs such as DPCP or diphenylcycloprope-none and DNCB dinitrochlorobenzene which was proven to be quite successfull in suppressing the immune system thereby preventing the rapid hair loss. The thing is, these medications have their side effects and definitely outweigh the risks of getting worse instead of getting better.

What is SMP?

SMP or Scalp Microhair Pigmentation is the process whereby a Cosmetic Tattooist such as experts from I.S. SMP Philippines will work with you to install micro pigments on your scalp to make it look like it was cleanly shaved providing an appearance of real hair follicles that can feel real too when touched.

The procedure takes more than 1 session as it needs to be treated a second to a third time to make it look real.

Having a head with a look of a clean shaven scalp gives the impression that you still a complete set of hair growing and nobody would suspect hair loss.

Why is SMP a solution?

If you really think about it, Alopecia Areata and even hair loss in general does not affect the health of a person, they are not even contagious. What it affects really is the personality, the appearance, the self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, the self, YOURSELF.

SMP for some or many, maybe a deceitful way to look good with a “fake” shaved hair. But a person with good moral character should understand that NOT ALL DECEPTIONS are immoral. Besides, you are doing this for yourself.

Lying is wrong but we need to be clear what constitute that lie. For example, when playing basketball, most players would do a feint shot which constitute a deception, a ploy to trick the other player. This in essence is a deceptive maneuver. However, many if not all, would agree that this is not an immoral act.

In short, withholding the truth is different from withholding information on a need to know basis. Is that immoral? You be the judge as this concerns your decision to change your life.